Data Model
The Module Handbook is based on a simple core Model: Programs (Studiengänge) can have many Courses (Module), and the link is represented by the Model Class “CourseProgram” which describes the connection between a Course and a Program, adding the information of “semester” and “required” to this associations.
This way, Courses can be part of more than one Program, in different semesters, as required or elective Course.
There are two ways to link Courses to Programs:
- create Course from Program site OR
- create CourseProgram link instance after Course and Program have been created
classDiagram class Program{ name code mission degree ects } class Course{ name code ects sws objectives } Program ~~ Course class CourseProgram{ semester required } Program "1"--"*" CourseProgram Course "1"--"*" CourseProgram Program o-- Course